Drew, Alfred Palmer

BORN: 26 December 1836, Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire
DIED: 21 October 1917, Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire

E. T. Brigham's, Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, 1865
21½ Central Avenue, Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, 1867
Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, 1874
Bracewell Block, 278 Central Avenue, Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, 1880–1887
Bracewell Block, 420 Central Avenue, Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, 1888–1892
A. P. Drew & Co., 420 Central Avenue, Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, 1895
A. P. Drew & Co., 412 Central Avenue, Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, 1898
412 Central Avenue, Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, 1900–1909+
Retired by 1912

Owner of Express Line (1868); Boots and Shoes (1869–1871); Clerk (1878)

NH0004A – Unknown Young Man, Cabinet Card, Alfred Porter Drew, Dover, NH, c1880–1887

NH0004BPhotographer Back Stamp, A. P. Drew, Photographer, Dover, NH, c1880–1887

NH0005A – Unknown Young Man, Cabinet Card, Alfred Porter Drew, Dover, NH, c1880–1887

NH0005B – Photographer Back Stamp, A. P. Drew, Photographer, Dover, NH, c1880–1887

The Dover Enquirer, Thursday, October 15, 1868, p. 2

The Dover Enquirer, Thursday, October 15, 1868, p. 3

Portsmouth (NH) Daily Chronicle, Monday, June 17, 1889, p. 1

Dover, NH City Directory, 1895, p. 315

Dover, NH City Directory, 1898, p. 319

Dover, NH City Directory, 1900, p. 319

Death of Alfred P. Drew
Alfred Palmer Drew, one of Dover's best known and most respected citizens, passed away at his home, 16 Elm Street, yesterday at the age of 81 years, 10 months, and 27 days. Mr. Drew has been in ill health for the past few years, but had been able to be out and around and his death was rather sudden as he had been up around the house during yesterday morning.

Mr. Drew was born in this city, the son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth Drew, and all his life has been spent here. He was in the photographing business in this city for many years and for a number of years was affiliated in the business with E. Frank Boomer who is seriously ill at the present time. Mr. Drew continued in the business until his health failed him about three years ago when he sold out to Mr. Burgess, who now conducts the business at Drew's studio.

Mr. Drew was a veteran of the Civil War of the rebellion. He enlisted in the Strafford Guards, New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, on May 5, 1864 and was mustered into the service on the same day as corporal. He served until July 28, 1864 when the company was mustered out of the federal service.

Mr. Drew was a member of Charles W. Sawyer Post, G. A. R. Weechans Lodge, No. 3, I. O. O. F., and a charter member of the Wanalanset Tribe No. 7 Improved Order of Red Men. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. L. Evers Ewer and three grandchildren [and] sisters, Mrs. Charles Osborne and Miss Mary Drew of Clinton, Mass.

Foster's Weekly Democrat and Dover Enquirer, Friday, October 26, 1917, p. 4